Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Worth the Wait!

Emery Lynn Sheldon was born on 07/21/2012 at 21:21; she weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz and was 21 inches long.

When the contractions started:

On Friday (07/20) night I was unable to sleep all night because of 'cramping'. I thought this cramping was because I needed to 'potty'. I got up at least 5 times that night to pee. By 5:30 am after Mike left for work, the cramping had increased so I got up to try to 'potty' since peeing didn't help. I could not go. So I lied back in bed for another hour and finally was able to go 'potty' but it did not relieve the cramping. It finally hit me that MAYBE this could be contractions so I googled 'cramping vs. contractions'. It confirmed that cramping could be contractions. So I decided I better start keeping track of how long they last and how far apart they were. After about an hour of keeping track I sent the log to Mike at work and text him to call me. I then got in the bath and Mike was calling or texting me every 5 min asking when the last contraction was.

This is real:

Throughout my whole pregnancy I was worried I would not know when I was in labor and that I would go to the hospital a thousand times just to be sent home.

So after keeping track of my contractions for an hour I was averaging 5 min apart and they were getting longer and stronger each time. Mike said he was calling the hospital and that triggered something in me that made me think 'this could be real' so I called my Mom and told her I was having contractions since 6:30 am this morning, without me giving all information my mom said 'I’m on my way' and hung up. I love my Mom but I hurried and called her back and told her Mike was calling the hospital then I would let her know what they say...she then said 'If you are 5 min apart I am on my way'. Mike then called and said he was on his way home from work and that the hospital simply said 'we can’t tell you anything over the phone so it's best you head up here'.


During the time my mom got there and then Mike I still had doubt of whether this was real or not? I stayed pretty calm and got everything ready for the hospital, (so thankful we had most the stuff ready before hand.) My mom got to our house first then shortly after Mike got there about 9:00am. He was a little more frantic but excited. He got everything in the car and off we went.

Slow Dilation:

We arrived at the hospital at 9:30am. We checked in and were told I was dilated to 2.5cm. The nurse told us to walk around for about an hour to see if I dilated anymore. My fear raised that we would be sent home. So after walking around the labor and delivery unit of McKay Dee for about 45 min eating popsicles and ice chips I was checked again and was now dilated to a 3.5cm. This was enough to submit me into a delivery room and get me all hooked up, ready to go. The fear was still with me that we would be sent home. So I get my IV going and then the antibiotic started also since I am a carrier of Strep B. I was given the epidural about 2pm. I was terrified!!! The Anesthesiologist Dr. Silvers was GREAT. He put me at ease along with Mike and his dead hand after it was over. At about 3pm I had only dilated to a 4cm. So they started the Pitocin.


2 hours after the Pitocin was given (5pm) I was dilated to an 8cm. My water had not broken at this point. When I was told that I was to an 8cm it all hit me that Emery was coming on this day!! I broke down and was frightened of giving birth for the first time in my pregnancy. My dad and Mike gave me a blessing which eased my anxiety tremendously.

What was that?

My final nurse in delivery for the night checked me again at 7pm. I was dilated to 9 3/4 cm and my water had broken. This was an odd feeling..felt like a waterfall. The nurse stated that Emery was still high and she wanted to wait an hour to see if she drops. I had to turn and sit up a few times in the hour. By 8pm I was fully dilated and we did a couple practice pushes. My nurse called Dr. Bier and he was not at the hospital yet so I was told to do a few more turns to help Emery drop even more.

No more waiting:

By 8:40pm the nurse had me start pushing. We had a mirror so we could watch the delivery. I was getting discouraged because I would see Emery and then she would move back up. She was face up instead of down and kept getting caught on my pelvic bone. After a few sets of 3 10sec pushes Dr. Bier and all his crew was in the delivery room. I did a few more pushes and then I hear my sweet baby girl and there she is on my chest. Looking at her for the first time was indescribable. I never felt the spirit so strong. She is an angel sent straight from Heaven!

I was in labor for 19 hours. My mom was there the whole time and then Jennika and my dad came up also. I felt so bad for all of them waiting all this time with us. Truly grateful for their support and love.
My mom and Mike were there during delivery and I could not thank my mom enough for all her support, she even helpo her breath with me during pushing!

Mike was AMAZING! Nothing new:) He truly kept things light and put me at ease throughout the whole thing. He was the best coach. Giving me ice chips in bewteen pushes and giving me encouragment to keep going! While waiting at one point Mike had to leave and go on a 'walk'. I felt so bad that I could not go with him to comfort him. I can never repay him for all his support that day. He continues to amaze me now that we are home. He is a HUGE help and I have never felt so much love from him for myself and Emery!

Emery is now 10 days old. We did hospital pics when she was 1 day old and then newborn pics when she was 9 days old. Thanks to Jennika for the newborn pics we cant thank her enough!!! Will post soon!:)

Being a mom is the greatest feeling in the world. My excitement for this new addition in our family overcomes all my fears I have of being a new mom. I know times will be hard but I know with the help from my Heavenly Father and loved ones moments with this precious baby girl will be memorable and enjoyable!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

**35 Weeks**

                                                                       33 Wks Pic

How far along?
*35 Weeks- 3rd Trimester

Total weight gain:
*25 lbs ..its rising scary:( I need to stop counting!

Maternity clothes?
*YES I feel huge all over now not just in my belly. I need to go buy one more maxi dress (or moo-moo is what Mike calls them) to get me through these last 5 weeks with this HOT weather

Stretch marks?
*Yes found some on my bum I have not looked at that part of my body since! But you better believe I have been latehring that area with coco butter!
*None! I have that 3rd trimester insomnia between being completelyy uncomfortable and anxiety my sleep is no where to be found.

Best moment this week:
*Knowing next week I start going once a week to my Dr appts which means we are at the home stretch of this pregnancy:).

Miss Anything?
*Being able to clean my whole house. Being physically active. Doing things on my own. Running. Seeing my feet. Painting my own toe nails. Getting out of chairs. Climbing stairs without running out of breath.  ENERGY!

*When she moves it hurts me a bit now. She is a long baby and when she stretches I feel her everywhere!

Anything making you queasy or sick:
*I have actually had nausea this week for the first time in my pregnancy but not to the point of throwing up..so thats a plus. Been craving LOTS of carbs mmmmm

*Still our sweet baby girl!

Labor Signs:
* Had a day of about 3 braxton hicks. She is getting ready!

Belly Button in or out?
* Turkeys Done!!

Wedding rings on or off?
*I go most days with it on but its very snug

Happy or Moody most of the time:
*More emotional and frusterated I cant do things on my own or what I use to. I know Mike is done with dealing with my endless and pointless cries about outragous things such as scrubbing the tub.:( Sorry babe almost there!

Looking forward to:
*Weekly appts and camping over the weekend! Wish us luck!

So our Kitty Chopper has been exploring Emery's things such as her crib, cradle, dresser, bath, blankets, bags, you name it he has layed in it at least once or twice.

Many have cautioned me on keeping my kitty when Emery arrives. I have stressed about this but knew I could not get rid of my sweet Chopper.

Chopper climbed up on me and passed out just snuggling my belly, a few minutes later Emery started kicking him, I am sure she was thinking 'hey I dont have much room in here as it is so get off' lol. Chopper immediatley got off my tummy once Emery started kicking. Cheesy but I think Chopper will be just fine with Emery:)

I was hesitant on putting this one up but the pic turned out awesome no photoshop, instagram here. 29wks

Dresser decorated with gifts for now


Just a little update on the Nursery!

We have since bought a lamp and a bookshelf that we got from Jennika that is by the chair.

We have put a mirror above the dresser and the Vinyl lettering of her name above the crib.

We are waiting on the bedding that my mom is making to tie everything together in the room:)

I also want to get a few frames to frame maternity pics and after we get Emery's newborn photos we are going to do a collage above the closet.

Its all coming together!:)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


This week Mike, myself and Emery were spoiled. We are so grateful to have such amazing family, friends and co-workers to support us!!

We first received a shower from my co-workers. The shower was actually for 3 people in our office, so triple the fun!:)

They truly spoiled us with a good start on what we need for Emery's arrival.

On Sat June 2nd 2012 my Mom, Jaime, Katee, Kt, Jennika and Debbie put together an AMAZING shower. Mike and I wanted to do one combined (co-ed) shower to celebrate our Baby Girl. These women did a remarkable job on making this happen.
The Darling Invite

It was such a nice (HOT) day!

No worries I got my fan and water bottle!

The Diaper Cakes LOVE!

Pickle Petunia Bottom Diaper Bag my Mom and sisters are too good to me!

Chicco Stroller--THANKS Grandma and Grandpa Sheldon

Family Heirloom-My Grandpa Willam made this and all 5 of my siblings used it and their children too Emery will be baby  #14 to use this darling cradle!

Thank you all for the amazing gifts and support for our new addition. Emery is going to LOVE all of it:)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

29 Weeks

Got the Crib in:)
Dad finished Beadboard yay!

**29 WEEKS**

Beadboard is DONE. Thank you MIKE!! Look how beautiful it looks. LOVE it! We worked so hard on it especially Mike. He did most of the work I just helped paint and sand:) What a great daddy! He put together the crib right after we were done. Its starting to look like a nursery.

We are truly blessed and want to thank all our friends and Family for their support. Truly wanna thank my sis in law Jennika for giving us bags full of  Darling clothes and selling us her crib and dresser for SUPER cheap. Also very grateful for my moms talent in sewing for making Emry's bedding, blankets, burp clothes, etc. Love and thank you for all your support and love for us and Baby Emery!

How far along?
*29 Weeks- 3rd Trimester

Total weight gain:
*15 lbs

Maternity clothes?
*YES I feel huge somedays. I need to buy maternity pants but I am stubborn and wont buy any with the belly band. I did cave and bought stretch band capris the other day.

Stretch marks?
*Barley, backaches dont go away no matter how many times you reposition or your husband rubs your back.

Best moment this week:
*Finishing badboard and putting up crib.

Miss Anything?
*feeling sexy for my hubs, weekend getaways, going up my stairs without loosing my breath

*Almost non stop. More of rolls then kicks now

Anything making you queasy or sick:
*No...bad cravings that dont go away no matter how much I want to resist. Like that dang waffle today

*Still our sweet baby girl!

Labor Signs:
* I think the sudden cramps once in a while are labor signs. Only last a sec then go away.

Belly Button in or out?
* Bye bye cute belly button. It is big and poking out

Wedding rings on or off? 

Happy or Moody most of the time:
*More irritable do to no sleep and being uncomfortable ALL the time.

Looking forward to:
*Cleaning out the nursery and decorating!

Friday, April 13, 2012

25 Weeks

25 WEEKS!! Look at that darling girl!! ** 03/23/2012 at 9:00 am** Our 3D ultrasound was AMAZING. She is obviously Beautiful and everything is developing just perfect!
We have started the Nursery and its coming along GREAT. Mike has been awesome, he never fails to amaze me with he talent he has. He has never done Beadboard before however it looks like he has done it for years. I am so pleased and grateful for him, his talent and love for me and Emery to work so hard on this:) LOVE HIM!! The top pic is what we want for Bedding and it even as an 'E' in the pic for Emery Lynn:)
She is moving a ton. It never fails that she wakes up at 10pm and is up for at least an hour. Love feeling her move...it's such an overwhelming and joyful feeling knowing she is there.
I am one test away from being done with school until Fall then I only have one class left to get my associates in science. It has been hard and exhausting with Pregnancy but I am getting through it! I have learned to not stress so that Emery can be healthy baby girl!
How far along? 25 Weeks

Total weight gain: about 10-15 lbs

Maternity clothes? Yes figured out that Ross has some cute and cheap maternity clothes, got a comfy and cute maxi dress!

Stretch marks? Dont see any yet still rubbing on that coconut
Sleep: Got the pregnancy pillow, it helps a ton. These last few nights I have gotten very little sleep due to heartburn and backaches.

Best moment this week: Always feeling her move! Starting the beadboard in the Nursery.

Miss Anything? Still miss RUNNING, putting on my shoes and eating what I want without getting heartburn.

Movement: Lots! becoming more frequent then just at 10pm

Anything making you queasy or sick: Depends on the day... have never gauged over any food except when Mike heats up a hot pocket in the middle of the night.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: Think I had one contraction 2 days ago but very minor

Belly Button in or out? Flat, starting to poke out

Wedding rings on or off? On still trying to drink lots of water to keep water retention down

Happy or Moody most of the time: BOTH I can be super happy and then the next I get very upset over something very small.

Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. Can not wait to decorate!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sex Change

March 1st appt brought a new surprise! Our baby had a sex change...we are having a Girl!!! So grateful we didnt make big purchases like bedding. I just knew last appt that she was not a boy but I ignored it. I truly convinced myself she was a boy.

We are so excited either way because she is Healthy and growing just perfectly!

Time to get looking for some girl things:) We did paint the nursery but painted it a neutral color so we can work with it!

Cant wait to see you Emery Lynn!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I was super nervous and anxious going to this appt. I am only 14 weeks and I was not very hopeful in finding out Gender yet.

However Dr. said next time maybe we can see sex of baby so we brought my mom with us to this appt.

So after waiting 20 min past our appt time because Dr was on delivery of two other babies!! We get in to our room.

He comes in and we get right to it. Dr is looking a few times and then says 'well I believe your having a man child' nice choice of words I know.

So at 14 weeks we are having a BOY!!!! For some reason I dont feel 100% sure. I couldnt see anything but Dr, my mom and Mike could so hopefully Baby is more showing next appt on March 1st:)

I am super excited to be having a boy!!!! Mike will be an awesome daddy no matter what the gender but I would love to see him as a father to a son!

Now I can narrow my decisions on nursery down to Boy themes!